Thirty-Four Alumni Present

Thirty-four alumni were present to witness the initiation of Theta’s Centennial Pledge class. The formal initiation ceremony was conducted at the Elk’s Hall which is  known to many alumni as the old Beta House. The other new brothers of Theta are: Grover C. Cooper, Chevy Chase, Maryland; Theodore R. Chaney, London; V. Baker Smith, Washington, D. C.; Richard L. Davenport, Hamilton, Ohio; […]

Markert’s Pledgeship Lasts Nearly 40 Years

Undoubtedly the longest pledge’ ship in the history of any national fraternity was ended when Roy Marken, of Zanesville, was initiated into Theta Chapter on February 26th, along with 14 other neophytes. Brother Marken was pledged by the chapter at Wooster and was scheduled for initiation in 1911. Just prior to the initiation date, fraternities were forced off […]

Two Pledged

The Centennial Pledge Class has two new members, the result of Theta’s continuous rushing program. Pledged in February were Charles S. Myers, of Oneida, New York and Harry E. Mowry, of Delaware. Both Myers and Mowry were athletes in high school and also participated in numerous other activities.

Intramural Championship

In the intramural basketball program, Theta entered a team in both leagues. Roth teams won their division and the team won the championship of its league . The “A” team was undefeated until the championship game when the faculty won an overtime game.

Schardt to Captain ’51 Bishop Swimmers

William Schardt was chosen by the University’s swimming team as their 1951 season captain at the end of the 1950 schedule. Schardt, one of the hest sprint and relay swimmers in the history of the sport at Ohio Wesleyan, was joined on the. tank team by two other Betas -Donald Wedge and Al Tucker, both divers. Theta chapter was represented on the varsity […]

Gregg Sends Books for Theta’s Library

The plea in the January issue of the THETA DATA for reference books of all types for the rejuvenated library at the chapter house brought quick response from one alumnus. Brother Clifford Gregg, sent sevend reference hooks including “Who’s Who In America” and “America’s Men of Science.” This is an excellent start. Have you checked […]

Campus Honoraries Select Three Betas

Several men of Theta Chapter have been honored during this sehciol year by induction into two of the leading honorary fraternities on the Ohio Wesleyan campus. Chapter president William Littick was initiated into Omicron Delta Kappa, the national men’s activities honorary. Littick, who had almost twice the required number of points for eligibility into O.D.K., has also been […]

Theta Data – Year 1950 Edition

The Theta Data – Year 1950 edition is now available!


Brother,Jamison has taken an active part in civic affairs in Cleveland, serving on the Cleveland Board of Education, the Cleveland Crime Commission, Of which he was president, the Euclid Avenue Association, and the Cleveland Regional Plan commission.