Christmas in April

On April 24, it was Christmas  for a group of individuals in need. The Christmas in April program is sponsored by Columbus companies and volunteers. The Beta brothers decided to devote a Saturday to this worthy charity. We were all given the assignment of helping one older gentleman who had a stroke and breathed with […]

A Letter From Chapter Matt Doman ’00

This spring semester has been a trying one for Theta chapter. Things started off well with or pledging program, in which we pledge 10 quality men whom we deemed worthy of the highest. Continuing what has become a strong annual event at Theta chapter, we conducted our initiation in conjunction with the Fraternal Fifties ceremony. […]

From Days Gone By

Attendance Required at Leadership Retreat Planned for all Undergraduates

Many Haskell. House corporation president, announced the scheduling of Leadership Retreat for August 21.-22, 1999, at a remote outdoor education facility, Attendance will include alumni and will be required for all Theta chapter undergraduates. The agenda for the retreat will include exercises in team building, leadership training and discussions relating to how fraternity life is […]

New Chapter Advisor and Assistant Advisor Named by President Marty Haskell

Dr. Anthony (Tony) Pedela, currently of “Westerville and a graduate of Case Western Reserve ’64, has been named Chapter Advisor. “Tony is a semi-retired dentist with a good management and quality control background,’ noted Marty. He has extensive experience in quality audits of hundreds of dentist’s’ offices as a member of a quality assurance examination […]

Annual Alumni Gifts

Annual alumni gifts are the lifeblood of our continued communications with all alumni brothers…and we have more then 800 living alumni. through the first 10 months of this year’s support we have 102 contributions, which is down slightly from last year’s total…no matter how large or small, we need your support each year to ensure […]

Remember Theta’s 150th Reunion

By dick devos ‘54 Do not forget our plans for the theta chapter reunion to  celebrate our chapter’s 150 years at Ohio wesleyan university. We are targeting the fall of 2003, so watch for the specific dates, which we will announce in the fall of 2000 in coordinates with the university calendar. Talk it up […]

A Step Back, Then Move Forward

    By martin Haskell ’68, theta chapter house corporation president Something progress requires stepping back before moving forwards over the past three years, considerable progress has been made in chapter management and operations. The undergraduate members have taken increased responsibility for house and kitchen management  and have initiated improvement to the facility. This summer two […]

Fraternal 50’s Celebrated by Alumni and Undergraduates Alike

BY TOM TATHAM ‘56 THE THETA CHAPTER HOUSE WAS THE SCENE of great celebration on Saturday, march 20, 1999. in addition to the house corporation meeting and initiation ceremonies, 15 brother were honored for their 50 years as beta. Present at the ceremonies were: Jo and Tom shank ’52 of 2017 Hull Rd., OH44870 Jo […]

Undergraduates Enjoy “A Day of Beta Pride”

By Eric Eickhoff’00 On march 20, theta of beta theta pi welcomed our alumni back to participate in two of our hallowed ceremonies. The day started with the leader of the undergraduates meeting with the member of the member of the house corporation Board. At this meeting, Betas both young and old discussed the chapter’s […]