Jack E. Pocock

Jack E. Pocock — Only one semester at OWU in Jan. ’43…enlisted in Navy V 12 and sent to ITT in Chicago for 2.5 years. Graduated with BS, Mech. Eng. …commissioned Ensign … out of Navy in ’46 … married Aug. ’46….retired in 1990 … attend Beta alumni monthly meetings in Columbus … 3 children, […]

Aldo Adachi ’99

Aldo Adachi ’99 — Feb. 2003 … Unfortunately we were just informed that my dad is not doing well and will need to perform a liver surgery in Japan (we later learned of Aldo’s father’s death). Hopefully, I will be able to get back to the states soon although my H1-B VISA expires (it is […]

Bruce Crittenden ’57

Bruce Crittenden ’57 — Enjoying the grand kids and traveling — this summer England, Russia and Scandinavian capitals. Our email is: bbcrittenden@aol.com. From Jan. to May we reside at 1701 Morning Sun Lane, Naples, FL 34119.

W. Dan Rich ’55

W. Dan Rich ’55 — Thanks so much for all of the info. re our Beta brothers … so sorry to hear about Jeff’s decline. You have been a good and faithful friend to him. So glad you and I visited him in June and gave him his Fraternal Fifties pin. Good to hear that […]

Jim Dailey ’56

Jim Dailey ’56 — Sorry to hear about Don (Jefferis). Makes you appreciate just getting old with the normal aches and pains. I’m at Indian Lake just about every weekend. That’s the best place to send my e-mail. The address is jldailey@charter.net. I’m still working 3 days a week. Go to Gallipolis on Monday evening. […]

John Hammond ’55

John Hammond ’55 — Thanks for the info. Sorry to hear about Don (Jefferis). He’s really fought the fight. (By the way, note my email address. It’s now john.hammond@dla.mil. The government can’t leave anything alone!)

Mike T. Dove ’58

Mike T. Dove ’58 — Feb. 13, 2003 … Just returned from our trip to Guatemala and got your e-mail and address of the Kocher family. I plan to talk to Peggy Kocher in the a.m. and I will pass along what happened to George. I do know that he had been fighting cancer for […]

Dave Watt ’59

Dave Watt ’59 — Thanks for the update, Tom. Very sad about Don (Jefferis). It’s hard to envision a brother who was so vibrant and energetic in the past to be in such bad health. You described it to me back in June, but I didn’t realize he had gone through so much for so […]

John Appel ’56

John Appel ’56 — Got the 1952 pledge class picture last week from you. Great looking bunch of guys. Particularly enjoyed seeing the “White Bucks” in the front row. The roster I got from Oxford with Fraternity Fifty Seal also has my old phone number. I’ll e-mail them to correct to (727) 586-0538. You also […]

Jack Hahn ’55

Jack Hahn ’55 — A very special annual event at the Hahn’s was reported as follows:13th ANNUAL GARDEN RAILWAY OPEN HOUSE on the SULPHUR SPRING and ALUM CREEK RAILROAD Diesels pulling “important” cargo into Albuquerque (the beer train!). Observe the doubleheader steam Moguls going up steep grades with such mixed freight cargo shipments such as Jack Hahn’s […]