Dick DeVos ’54

Dick DeVos ’54 — Just returned from Louisville and a fun derby weekend with old neighbors from our street when we lived there. Lost on Friday but did ok on Saturday except for the Derby. I would not be able to be at The House [trustee] meeting at Miami on July 26 as that is […]

John Bolek ’88

John Bolek ’88 — Tom, it was nice to hear your voice. Sorry that I was unable to get back with you yesterday. I spoke with Marty (Haskell ’68) about a week ago. I will not be able to attend convention this year due to being in school. I will be taking a very aggressive […]

Charles B. Ordway ’48

Charles B. Ordway ’48 — Many thanks for Theta Data. Am always very glad to have a word from the brothers, in spite of the fact that I know few of them. Please forgive my poor typing. Unfortunately, I’m not gifted with a secretary as are some of you perhaps. Glad to see Hugh’s picture […]

Larry Linderer ’55

Larry Linderer ’55 — Judge Rufus Doan and Susie visited us this week and we swapped lies and stories about our Beta days in Delaware. Jerry Staley also came over and renewed a friendship that spanned 50 years. When I introduced Judge Doan to the ice cream store dipping teenager as Judge Doan from Cincinnati, she […]

Class of ’54 Golden Reunion Plans

May 13-16, 2004 marks the Golden Anniversary for the OWU graduation class of 1954. Paul “Kissy” and Ann Grinton Kisseberth were selected by their class as co-chairs. They have been working hard to encourage all to return and are putting additional push for the best Beta class turnout. To date, Kissy says he knows at […]

Visit the Beta National Web Site or call

BetaTheta Pi national headquarters has a Web Site which is located at www.BetaThetaPi.org Give it a try! You will find many items of interest including:  About Beta  Support Staff Men of Principle  News and Events  Beta Resources  Features and Services  The Foundation Of particular interest is the directory. Click on Features and Services, then click […]

Fiesta Bowl Alumni News

On a recent visit to the Fiesta Bowl [and the Bucks won again], the editor had the pleasure of dinner and an evening visit with Pat (James) and Dee Simpson ’54 at their retirement home in Tucson. They send their best and look forward to their 50th reunion this year. Dee’s email is simpsondps@aol.com. Following Tucson, […]

50th Wedding Anniversary

It was just 50 years ago this past June 13th that Dick McClintock and Ginger Carter, both OWU class of 1953, were married in a very special Beta ceremony by the late Dr. Seth R. Brooks, St. Lawrence ’22. The ceremony was at the Universalist National Memorial Church in Washington DC. All of the ushers were […]

An Alumni Mystery

The following comes from brother Chuck Ordway, ’48 and solicits your help in solving his life-long mystery. Here is his “plight”: “My story follows: Back in 1948, this old fellow left in the furnace room at 54 W. Lincoln an Iver-Johnson bicycle. I’m sure many of you know what old bikes are worth today. Here’s […]

Words From the Regional Director By Marty Haskell ‘68

RE C O G N I T I O N  F O R  T H E  ME N  O F  PR I N C I P L E IN I T I A T I V E Beta Theta Pi continues to receive recognition for the Men of Principle Initiative. In 2001, Beta received the […]