Web Page Updated

By Aldo Adachi ’99 Theta ‘a home page at http:// www.owu.edu has been recently updated and will include more  features than before. The Web page should be completed In Christmas. It will contain such features as  a guest book in which people can input their names and type a few comments for  other people  to […]

Fall Chapter Officers

PRESEDENT Matthew S. Doman ’00 Bowie. Md History VICE PRESEDENT  Joshua H. Pnetzer ’99  Vermilion, Ohio Premedicine/biochemistry SECERETARY Michael L. Garver’00 Wooster,Ohio Economic. Management ALUMNI co chair /Treasurer  Matthew R. Garrison ’99 Greenville,. Ohio Accounting ALUMNI CO- CHAIR Eric J. Eichhoff ’00 Pepper Pike Ohio History RISK MANAGER Kenneth J. Bagstad ’99 Avon Lake , […]

Alumni Return for Fallfest

By Eric Eickhoff ’00 Fall arrived and with it came the return of Ohio Wesleyan’s  alumni. over Fallfest Weekend the brothers of the Theta chapter held a special cocktail party to which were invited  all of the graduates from the chapter and their families the undergraduates’ families, and many of the friends of the chapter. […]

Softball Tournament

By Ken  Bagstad 99. Philanthropy chair This October, The chapter sponsored its second annual softball   tournament to benefit Delaware Big Bothers/Big Sister.Hoping  to build on the success of our tournament last fall. We put a  lot of hard work into making this event a success. The tournament held at Blue Limestone Park, began with six […]

Theta Chapter Honored With Its First Sisson Award

By Matt Doman ’00, President Beta chapters are known for having traditions of outstanding achievement. This notion is no secret to the Theta chapter, which has seemingly stood for excellence both in ideals and in members since its founding in 1853. However, one bench-mark that is a staple for chapter excellence had always eluded the […]

Annual Alumni Dues

Annual alumni dues are the lifeblood our continued communications with all alumni brothers … and we have more than 8OO living alumni. Fortunately, through the generosity of brothers  who contributed in 1997-98, our average gift per contributed has increased from $51.95 to $67.86 … good news ….but     On the other side of the coin, the […]

Quantity is not everything

By Martin Haskell ‘68 House Corporation President The 1997-98 school year ended positively for Theta chapter, and the 1998-99 year is off to a great start. The undergraduate chapter is at a zenith and continues to grow stronger. We ended the year with 28 undergraduates after initiating a pledge class of eight. That places Theta […]

Chuck Underwood ’68, Roll #1144

By Tom Tatham ’56 HOMETOWN  ItEMS … PICKING OWU In the fall of 1964 a young lad from Auburn, N.Y. found his way to the OMU campus. Chuck Underwood achieved his goal of going to a school far from home when he picked Delaware, Ohio and OWU as his home away from home for the […]

Alumni Board

Erik Baudendistel ’96 614-854-1991(0) ebaudendistel@Inc com John Bolek ‘88 216-467-6562 (H) • 216-468-1417(0)  Brad Clelton 98  Richard DeVos’ 54    440-835-1546 Mike Dowgiewicz ’98 Andres Duarte’ 65  011-582-261-1255 • aduarto@dvaccs.com Hal Fausnaugh ‘48 216-331-3099 (H) • 216-574-7441 (0) Martin Haskell’ 68. President  P.O. Box 45222 Cincinnati. OH 45243 513.272-0279 (H) • 513-527-4970 (0)  martyh@forterngt.com    Urlin Harris’ […]

Theta Data – January 1999 Edition

The Theta Data – January 1999 edition is now available!