David Paul Dawson ’68

A salesman David Paul Dawson ’68 is in regional sales development for Mammoth Mart. David is a member of the Knights of Columbus, Drama Guild and Citizens Protection Association. He and his wife, Ann live at 3669 C Jenney Place in Euclid, Ohio.

C. Bruce Crittenden, Jr. ’59

C. Bruce Crittenden, Jr. ’59 is a sales representative for the Union Paper & Twine Company. He and his wife, Betty Jane live at 7850 Dines Road in Novelty, Ohio.

Jack E. Cornell

Jack E. Cornell is in retail men’s clothing. He and his wife, Jeane live at 221 Ash Street in Greenville, Ohio.

James H. Charlesworth ’62

A teacher, James H. Charlesworth ’62 is an assistant professor of Religion at Duke University. His recent book is the Odes of Solomon.Jim plays tennis when he gets the chance and lives with his wife, Jerrie at 19 LearnedPlace in Durham, North Carolina.

Christopher Peter Browne ’73

An insurance adjuster, Christopher Peter Browne ’73 works for Crawford & Company in Columbus. He is a memberof the Columbus Claims Club and Amway Distributors Association. Chris enjoys tennis and skiing in his spare time and lives at 55 Wootring, Apt. F in Delaware, Ohio.

Mark Douglas Aldrich ’72

Mark Douglas Aldrich ’72 is currently finishing up work on a M.A. in clinical psychology at the University of Dayton. He and his wife, Jacquelin live at 819 Fourman Ct., Apt. 6 in Dayton, Ohio.


The Beta house at Ohio Wesleyan University had, within the past month, their elections for the offices to be filled for this Spring term and fall and winter of the next academic year. Lee Silvas, a sophomore, good organizer and intelligent leader, was voted in for the position of president. Backing up Lee during his term in office is Thomas Albrecht who had formerly filied […]


The Winter term at Ohio Wesleyan proved to be only partially successful. In wrestling we placed second in the I.M. wrestling competition. Basketball, which is the only other I.M. sport to participate in was interred with by the Ohio Wesleyan lacrosse season. Since all the Betas are lacrosse players, there was no one left to play basketball. The lacrosse team is currently ranked […]

Mystery Solved

Our recent mystery pictures from the sixties in the Spring,1974 issue of the Theta Data elicited various responses. Brother Bruce Crittenden ’57 had us dead to rights when he not only correctly identified the picture on page three but produced the May, 1962 issue of the Theta Data in which the answer can be found. Brother William M. Connor wrote in: “I was surprised […]

Getting The House Together

The Beta House at Ohio Wesleyan University, while under the administration of Lee Silvas received new carpeting and a new image via the Pledge Class of 1928. The issue concerning the new carpet to be distributed amongst the living room, second and third floors, was voted upon by the brothers on the twenty-sixth day of January, 1975. Thecolor of the carpet was discussed at […]