Theta Data – Spring 1974 Edition

The Theta Data – Spring 1974 edition is now available!

Bro. Randy Cochran ’75- Perfect 4.0!

The Theta Chapter at Ohio Wesleyan is proud to announce the academic accomplishments of Brother Randy Cochran ’76 who achieved a perfect 4.00 scholastic average. Cochran is presently pursuing degrees in both Political Science and Economics. As a possible hopeful in the field of law, Randy has been receiving above par grades throughout his tenure at O.W.U. Other Beta that have received excellent grades […]

Score Success ln lM’s

The Theta chapter of Beta sparked by the smooth play of Brothers Silvas, Pope and Boutan surprised the Intermural Softball league at O.W.U. in placing third with an 11-6 overall record. Brothers Banerjee, Sherman and P. Lee also contributed immensely by batting .601, .593 and .549, respectively. In the annual I.M. Track Meet which was held recently at Shelby Stadium, Brothers Cochran, Loehr, McCready and swift […]

Theta Elects New Officers

Elections this year brought on many new faces to lead the house. Randall L. Houlas, the new chapter President, is a junior from Brecksville Ohio, majoring in geology. He has been Steward and Scholarship Chairman in the past. Robert T. Randall, also a geology major, will be taking care of the books as Treasurer next year. Bob, a junior from Cherry Hill, N.J. […]

Recording Secretary

Lee Silvas ’77 Pledge Trainer: Dave McCreadie House Manager: Dave Mack ’76 Rush Chairman: Jack P. Salerno ’76 Tad Arnold ’77

Theta Data

Published by Theta Chapter of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity at Ohio Wesleyan University for its members and friends. News and picture contributions are solicited at all times. Address all contributions to Alumni Relations Office, P.O. Box 886, Delaware, Ohio

Service Project is a Sueeess

May 10-12, Parent’s Weekend at Ohio Wesleyan University, the Theta Chapter joined together to sell terrariums for the benefit of Bellpoint School f or mentally retarded children. With the help of the Daughters of the Dragon, over 200 cactus terrariums were made and sold throughout the weekend on and off campus. $375.00 was collected and, combined with an additional $75.00 donation from the fraternity, $450.00 was given […]