By Matt Doman ’00, President
Beta chapters are known for having traditions of outstanding achievement. This notion is no secret to the Theta chapter, which has seemingly stood for excellence both in ideals and in members since its founding in 1853. However, one bench-mark that is a staple for chapter excellence had always eluded the Theta chapter.This elusive prize the Sisson Award.
Fist of the 19 requirements for the Sisson Award are as follows:
I. Have a chapter membership that is not less than the campus fraternity average.
2. Initiate at least 75 percent of all pledges.
3. Receive an excellent financial rating
4. Have a chapter GPA of 2.5
5.Hold at least two functions tit alumni
Well, happily the dry streak that rivaled the curse of the Bambino was ended in early August at convention, when theta chapter won its lint Sisson Award. This award is the capstone on everything that the brothers have worked so hard this past year. It truly marks how far our chapter has come. Our numbers are up, our relations with alumni are getting better all the time and the runs more efficiently than I have ever see. I am proud to say that, like you who are reading this, I am so proud to be a Beta!
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