Theta Elects New Officers

Elections this year brought on many new faces to lead the house. Randall L. Houlas, the new chapter President, is a junior from Brecksville Ohio, majoring in geology. He has been Steward and Scholarship Chairman in the past.

Robert T. Randall, also a geology major, will be taking care of the books as Treasurer next year. Bob, a junior from Cherry Hill, N.J. served as pledge trainer. Bob also broke 2 Wesleyan swimming records this year and will be next year’s captain.

Brother John Sherman was elected as the Vice-president. John is a sophomore from Southampton Pa. and is majoring in journalism. He is also well known as an animal lover.

Brothers Lee Silvas and Jack Robbins, both freshmen have been elected as recording and corresponding secretaries respectively.Lee hails from Greenwich, Conn. and Jack from Fallston Md. These fine young men have shown great initiative in assuming their new jobs and promise to keep Theta chapter abreast of all activities in the coming year.

Dave McCreadie, a native of Cincinnati Ohio was elected pledge trainer. Dave’s fine pledge record this year made him the likely candidate for the position this spring.

Brothers Jack P. Salerno and Tad Arnold will head up next year’s rush program. Jack, a sophomore from Gaithesburg Md. is returning again this year to head up the rush program. Jack’s outstanding job last year, made him a unanimous choice in this elections this spring. With the help of co-chairman Tad Arnold, a freshman from Galesville, Wisc., next fall’s rush is sure to be quite successful.

Brother Dave Mack has assumed the all important job of house manager. A sophomore from Cherry Hill N.J., Dave has kept the Theta house in top notch shape. Dave has ended the spring term with the completion of our long awaited patio.

The chapter wishes to extend sincere thanks and gratitude to all the outgoing officers: President, Robert L. Pope; Treasurer, Gary D. Rafsky; Vice-President, Mark A. Lee; Pledge Trainer, Robert T. Randall; Secretary, Thomas M. Stinson, and Recording Secretary, David Boerstler.

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