Theta chapter once again up and running
By Kevin mc Donnell ’91, chapter president
Brother betas, it gives me great pleasure to finally be able to communicate With the theta chapter alumni thought this newsletter. It gives the present Actives the chance to express our utmost appreciation for alumni support While also alerting you to our trials and tribulations while we try to rebuil -d this once mighty chapter of beta to its previous level of prominence. Starting from scratch has been a difficult task. When we moved into The House in the fall of 1987, we had no bylaws, furniture or financial Backing, which caused chaos and disunity. Our division made it difficult To channels our ideas towards a productive goal. We had many leaders And few followers. the executive member of our house had been young, inexperienced and without the credible backing of bylaws. Things have changed. The election of new executive member has brought age, Experience and the development of crucial by laws. Kirk killers ‘91(treasurer), Jim Stilwell’91(secretary), Rogerward’92(vice President) and I have been active members since at least 1988. We have Held many position in the house and are well-experienced in the financial, social, philanthropic and parliamentary aspects of the house. Already we have worked hard to pass needed by laws on the selection of roll number, The approval of financial budgets, the setting of penalties for late payment Of house bills, and the creation of an in-house disciplinary action committee to hear all grievances within the house. Ledership is much more productive when there are credible laws to back our authority. A house that was slipping into a chasm of disunity has rapidly transformed into a productive unit that can finnaly be denoted by the term brother hood. Our major difficulty of late has been one of numbers. Whe have trouble Attracting as many quality men as we need in rush; our small number make it a Herculean task to double our membership. Perhaps the greatest problem has been the lack of funds that we were able to rise for rush.fortunately,our house corporation has granted us $2,500 for next yaear’s rush in addition to our resources. The increased rush funds will enable us to be more creative then we have been in the past. I have also requsted that the general fraternity send a representative to conduct a rush know what to expect and how to attract and maintain rushee interest in beta. With the core of hour house becoming seniors next year, we realize how gravely important it is to have a very successful rush next year. We are viewing rush as a do-or-die situation, and would greatly appreciate any idea that our alumni might have for us.
The university has made a drastic made in the greek system that I think will Greatly benefit beta. At request of president warren, fraternity rush has been Moved to the first to weeks of the spring semester.a2.0 grade point average During fall semester is an elegible requrment for rush. Being a house With high academic standards, I feal that this new clause will immensely Improve our change of attracting the man we want as betas. All houses have suddenly becomes equal, with no houses having any experience with a spring rush. Since we are still in the development stages of creating a successful rush, I believe that we are at an advantage because of our adaptability. The largest house have been realying a very structured fall rush programe to attract pledges many have difficulty developing a creative rush in the spring. Our increased rush found , coupled our flexibility to easily opportunities change our rush our programe, many enable us to be a strong competitor next year. I look forward to being in touch with as many alumni as possible if you Would like to reach me over the summer, my mailing address is 712 belgrove Road, Mclean, VA 22101; my phone no is 703-525-7825
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