Your alumni association continues to be solvent, though we have experienced a drop in income and participation over the past two years. Our current balance is $4785. Your voluntary contributions in 2009 totaled $2115 compared with an average of $3500 per year up until last year. Also, the number of contributors has dropped to 30 from the 35 to 45 we typically experienced in the recent past. Our only expense is the publication and mailing of the newsletter which runs about $4500 per issue. As you can see from the above numbers, we will only be able to continue publishing about 2-3 more years at these rates and will have to make some adjustments.
So, if you value this newsletter, please send a contribution to keep it going. Small donations of $25 and $50 are very much welcome. We would prefer to see a large number of the small donations rather than a few large ones. So, please don’t be shy.
___kai___ Marty Haskell ’68
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