Trophy-Snatching Prank Back fires

The undergraduates of  Theta have learned that it nays to burn the midnight oil, if for no other reason than to foil any .attempts to deprive the chapter of its hard earned trophies.

Six Kappa Sigs from Ohio State decided that the early morning hours of March •9th would be an ideal time to “get revenge.” Early in the fall, some of their trophies turned up missing and the men of Theta chapter were blamed. The culprits failed to consider that some of out men would still be awake at 1:30. This together with the “butterfingers” of one man meant a night in the Delaware jail for them.

Bill Littick heard a noise down  stairs, investigated, saw the culprits in the act, aroused the house with “All out” and tackled the last man as he was leaving through the front door. The other Kappa Sigs were Soon captured and while mistwed conversations took place in the front parlor, then Delaware police arrived.

A telephone conversation between the Wesleyan Dean of Men and his counterpart at Ohio State, the next morning helped “spring” the Kappa Sigs.

One must have gotten away though because we are still missing a couple of trophies.

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