Two Seniors Graduate, Four New Initiates

Congratulations to our two winter graduating seniors, Eric Eickhoff and Tony Losito. Both Eric, a history/philosophy major, and Tony, a politics and government major, have been very active and outstanding contributors to Theta chapter. Good luck to each of these fine young men as they pursue their careers and enter the “alumni” ranks.


Following graduation Eric applied for a position as an education consultant with the General Fraternity in Oxford, Ohio. While awaiting word on his application, Eric rested and recuperated with his family in Pepper Pike, Ohio (Cleveland area). During his undergraduate years, Eric was active in Beta and served as alumni chairman and pledge educator, risk manager, philanthropy chairman, public relations chairman and made significant contributions to Theta Data for the past three years. At OWU, he served on three Greek councils for the IFC as well as executive vice president and Greek activities Chairman. Theta Data is pleased to announce that Eric got the job! Congratulations!


After graduation and before his next move into the world of work, Tony has gone on a well-deserved vacation at home with his parents in Avondale, Pa. Tony was IFC representative and kitchen manager at Beta. Off campus, he worked as the Olentangy High School lacrosse coach.


Four new Betas, with their initiation ceremonies conducted on December 2, 2000, are very eager to help the chapter grow and
achieve; this fall pledge class is the largest we have had since 1987.
New Beta brothers are:
Mark Vernon Casper, Jr. • Canton, Ohio
Anders Michael Lindstrom • Rutherford, N.J.
Captain of OWU Rugby Team
Nicholas Anthony Henning • Sylvania, Ohio
James Samuel Reef • Hudson, Ohio
A special “warm welcome” and a Beta handshake as we welcome
these new brothers into the chapter.

Beginning this year we had 16 members in house and one off campus. With the mid-year graduation of Eric and Tony, and with the initiation of four new brothers, chapter strength is now 19 living in the house for the second semester. The chapter is looking forward to the upcoming pledging of new freshmen as the chapter continues to return to a strengthened membership

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