W. Dan Rich ’55

W. Dan Rich ’55 — Thanks so much for all of the info. re our Beta brothers … so sorry to hear about Jeff’s decline. You have been a good and faithful friend to him. So glad you and I visited him in June and gave him his Fraternal Fifties pin. Good to hear that James Lee Daily and C.D. Wright are doing well and that you maintain contact with them. Once again last Oct., Lee and I had lunch with Jim Davies ’56, and his wife Jean in Morristown, NJ, after I attended the Annual Lectures at Drew Theological School in Madison, right next to Morristown. Jim and Jean are doing well. Their children are really running the insurance business at this point, but they put in token appearances each week. Jim is keeping up with his tennis and plays regularly, indoors as well as out. Our email address is: danlee@dmv.com.

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