By Greg Ritz. Chapter President
The 1991 academic year is coming to a close. Looking back over the goals we set for ourselves. I am happy to say that we were able to reach them. One of these goals was the activation of a strong pledge class, This year’s initiate clams is strong academic rally, socially and culturally. Also, the Theta Chapter was able to square away its financial difficulties and bring our year to a close having paid all our bills and having a little left to enjoy next year. Alter having art extremely successful meeting with the House Corporation. I am happy to announce that some of the much-needed renovation will be taking place during the sum-mer and on into next year One of the biggest of these is the return of our Greek letters. These letters have been missing for quite some time. Now when an alumnus approaches the front of our house, he is greeted by our letters.
In closing. I would just like to say that the house has become very unified but without losing our Individuality. Our relation-ship with the University is strong and the motivation within the house Ls encouraging. I’m looking forward to our upcoming academic year.
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