JOHN BENJAMIN PHILLIPS ’06 teacher in Zanesville, Ohio, is also the supervisor of visual education.
FRANK BAIN MAH )N ’13, writer with the Jam Handy Organization in Detroit, Michigan, resides at 531 Westchester Way in Birming ham, Michigan. No word as yet from his brother PAUL T. ’11.
Another partially’ heard from family is the MILLERS. We heard from EARL L. ’22 of 2823 North 21st Place, Phoenix Arizona, but have not heard from his brother, Fun! V. ’28 and his nephew ROBERT M. COPPER ’45.
WILLIAM MCCULIAX:H MILLER ’31, commercial manager of the Ohio Bell Telephone Company in Columbus, Ohio, is President of the Rotary Club of Columbus. Bill and his wife, Mary Elizabeth, make their home at 1387 Doten Avenue in Columbus.
Another member of the class of ’31 located in Columbus is WAR-REN C. ARMSTRONG. Warren, a lawyer, and his mily reside
3960 Riverside Drive.
WILLIAM ALLEN HAZLETT 132, special agent of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company in Chicago writes, “Congratula tions on the fine showing Theta Chapter is making!” Bill, Presi dent of Alpha Alumni Chapter Beta Theta Pi, sent us many names and addresses of brothers in the Chicago area. He also asked, “Does CHARLES ALBERT LEE ROY MCFARLAND 29 live out here?” Yes, CHARLES ALBERT LEE ROY IVICFARLAND does live there. His address is 1610 North Mason Street, Chicago.
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