Words From the Regional Director By Marty Haskell ‘68

RE C O G N I T I O N  F O R  T H E  ME N  O F  PR I N C I P L E IN I T I A T I V E

Beta Theta Pi continues to receive recognition for the Men of Principle Initiative.

In 2001, Beta received the prestigious Association of Fraternity Advisors Award for Excellence in Educational Programming for the Men of Principle Initiative.

This year Beta has once again been honored with this same award, this time for the Beta Wilderness Challenge.

Beta Foundation Director Jonathan Brant accepted the award at a large gathering of university administrators and fraternity staff
people from all over the Greek world.

In November our recolonization effort at Indiana University was featured in the Indiana Daily Student (IDS). The story can be read in its entirety on line at the following link: http://www.idsnews.com/story.php?id=19686

Currently the Board of Directors is undertaking a strategic mission review. Originally a committee was put together to review
progress and develop strategic planning for the Men of Principle Initiative (MPI). They quickly determined that the issue was to what
extent to apply MPI across the fraternity as a whole. Currently MPI is a voluntary program that individual chapters need a 90% vote to
pursue, although, all new colonies are established as Men of Principle chapters. Currently there are over 30 MPI chapters out of 135.

Yours in —kai—,  Marty

Dr. W. Martin Haskell

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